Zao OnsenAbout Zao OnsenZao Onsen, nestled in the mountains of Yamagata Prefecture, is a renowned hot spring and ski resort, celebrated for its unique natural phenomenon, the "juhyo" or "ice trees," also known as "snow monsters." These intriguing shapes are formed by the heavy snowfall and freezing winds at the peak of the Zao Ski Resort, creating a surreal winter landscape.
The snow monsters are at their most spectacular in mid-February, and visitors can view them via a ropeway and gondola, with some areas illuminated for evening enjoyment. While night skiing is limited to the lower elevations, the upper reaches offer a magical experience from the warmth of a nearby café.
As one of Japan's oldest ski resorts, Zao Onsen boasts a diverse range of over thirty lifts, gondolas, and ropeways, catering to skiers and snowboarders of all skill levels, particularly beginners and intermediates. The resort's longest course, starting from the summit where the snow monsters reside, stretches about ten kilometers, providing an unforgettable run through this winter wonderland. The ski season typically begins in early December and can extend into early May, depending on the snow conditions, making Zao Onsen a must-visit destination for winter sports enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Zao Onsen, nestled in the mountains of Yamagata Prefecture, is a renowned hot spring and ski resort, celebrated for its unique natural phenomenon, the "juhyo" or "ice trees," also known as "snow monsters." These intriguing shapes are formed by the heavy snowfall and freezing winds at the peak of the Zao Ski Resort, creating a surreal winter landscape. | ||